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What is ExpoPlaza Latina?

ExpoPlaza Latina is a series of seminars organized by Latincouver Business and Cultural Society motivating business opportunities between North America and Latin America. EPL is the main platform to connect British Columbian and Latin American organizations through trailblazing panel discussions while creating networking opportunities.

Who Attends our events:

  • Governments from Canada, USA, and Latin America
  • Associated businesses
  • Industry associations
  • Business professionals interested in entering the Latin American market
  • Professionals interested in learning about innovations

What we do:

Through seminars and similar events, we promote panel discussions concerning key issues on Canadian and Latin American business market. Our events contribute to enlighten Canada’s role in the Pacific Alliance. We encourage our attendees to employ political and economic agreements to connect with industry leaders from both regions.

ExpoPlaza gives you an opportunity to create a larger network, securing resources for you to tap into the most stable and rapidly growing Latin American markets. Actively participate in our specialized workshops and sessions to learn how your business can benefit from Canadian-Latin American relations.

Why we do it:

From 2006 to 2016, Canada has invested $6.06 billion in international development assistance in the Latin America region through bilateral programming, and multilateral institutions. As a fast-growing region, Latin America offers great business opportunities being expected to represent one of the world’s largest economies by 2050.

Take action and avoid missing out on the opportunity of conducting business with Latin America. Join EPL and find out how to benefit from this substantial expanding economy.

History of Expoplaza Latina

ExpoPlaza’s team has been working very hard with the goal of educating business owners in Western Canada since 2013.

Here is a list of our major trade conferences & seminars throughout the last years.

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ExpoPlaza Latina – Testimonials

[one_third extra=”” anim=””]Testimonials-1[/one_third]
[two_third extra=”” anim=””][blockquote name=”Mr. Dave Byng, BC Deputy Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation”]
[paragraph extra=””]”Excellent cross-section of attendees, great networking opportunity with people who had great ideas”.[/paragraph][/blockquote][/two_third]
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[one_third extra=”” anim=””]Testimonials-2[/one_third]
[two_third extra=”” anim=””][blockquote name=”Heather Bell, Bell Allience”]
[paragraph extra=””]”ExpoPlaza Latina was a tremendous success and proves the importance of Latincouver as a platform for the Latin and Vancouver business communities… This diversity made for an impressive and informative dialogue during the plenaries and the networking event. Bell Alliance was thrilled to take part in this event and looks forward to ExpoPlaza Latina 2014″.[/paragraph][/blockquote][/two_third]
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[one_third extra=”” anim=””]Testimonials-3[/one_third]
[two_third extra=”” anim=””][blockquote name=”Brian Hughes, District Manager , Expert Development Canada”]
[paragraph extra=””]”The event was very successful at attracting people from many different sectors all interested in Latin America; ExpoPlaza Latina was able to capture increasing interest in the region by Canadian companies and individuals”.[/paragraph][/blockquote][/two_third]

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