Connecting Ecosystems in the Americas – Start-ups and Innovation
Date and Place
November 17, 2016 at Vancouver Economic Commission
Technology, innovation and entrepreneurial impulse act nowadays as drivers of job creation and urban growth, providing revenues for economic development. Only in the U.S. and Canada, half of the world’s leading start-up environments grow and thrive.
According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015 from Compass, Silicon Valley remains as the main start-up hub with cutting-edge young companies. The study results also reveal that, since 2012, the start-up activity in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal has grown at a slower pace than other cities in emerging economies, such as Tel Aviv, São Paulo and Singapore.
The inclusion of São Paulo in this world’s top-20 ecosystems ranking signals the significant improvement in the Latin American entrepreneurial scene. This region enjoys stronger support from start-up communities, a growing talented population and the untapped potential for ventures. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) states that countries like Chile and Colombia are also working hard to develop optimal conditions for innovation and entrepreneurial activity.
How to support booming start-up environments? Experts say that, to face the challenge of scaling up, start-ups should think globally and generate interest in their activities around the world.
This ExpoPlaza Latina seminar pointed out what startups should consider when going global, especially in markets like the U.S., Canada and Latin America. Also, experts discussed how policy-makers and other stakeholders in the community can help to cultivate a vibrant start-up and innovation ecosystem.
Speakers and moderator
Bryan Buggey Director, Strategic Initiatives and Sector Development at Vancouver Economic Commission
Humaira Hamid Business Development Manager for BC and the Yukon at Futurpreneur Canada (formerly CYBF)
Hussein Hallak General Manager of Launch Academy; Executive Director of TiE Vancouver
Regina Noppe CEO of DREAM2B
Ilya Brotzky CEO of VanHack, participating in Startup Chile
Molly Millar Canada Manager of Biko
Paola Murillo, Latincouver Executive Director and The Latin Innovation Hub Founder
1. Innovation and start-up development
2. Start-up ecosystems in Canada and some Latin American countries
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