Date and Place
April 30, 2014 at Simon Fraser University
In 2014, Latincouver brings the second ExpoPlaza Latina (EPL) international business conference which explores business opportunities between British Columbian and Latin American organizations. Also, year-round dialogue series were incorporated to EPL to offer events focused on specific topics and countries.
In this opportunity, the major theme of the conference was the newly formed Pacific Alliance: a Latin American trading bloc that includes Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. Discussion focused on how BC can leverage existing bilateral free-trade agreements to promote trade and investment opportunities with this regional block.
Speaker and Moderator
1. Medium-Term Scenarios for Mining in Latin America
Jose Suarez Managing Director at Accenture
2. How to Link your Sustainability Reporting to Strategy Development
Edna Aguinaga Sustainability Advisor at Travesia Partners
Glenn Sigurdson Chair of RMSI at Simon Fraser University
3. Panel: SMEs Going their Businesses Beyond Borders Through Innovation and Technology
Sergio Rico Engineer at Solid Rain
Laura Cuner Founder of Avafina
Ray Castelli CEO of Weatherhaven
Moderator: Luis Villalba Consul of Paragua
4. TBC – BC – the hub for Asia Pacific & Latin America
John Korenic Director of Aviation Marketing at YVR
5. Roundtable: Investment Opportunities within the Pacific Alliance Region
Marina Jimenez President of the Canadian Council of the Americas
Carlo Dade Director of the Centre on Trade and Investment Policy at the Canada West Foundation
Joaquin Tres Coordinator of Integration Instruments at the Inter-American Development Bank
International Trade
Pre-event Launch
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EPL video
ExpoPlaza Latina Apr 2014
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