The Sustainable Road to Prosperity in Latin America: Utilizing Business as Agents of Change
Date and place
March 1, 2016 at Crystal Pavilion, Pan Pacific Hotel
Businesses as agents of change. Sustainability for a prosperous future.
The growing interest in clean energy sector of Latin America is reflected in the significant growth in investments, and it is supported by price advantages and signs of an improved framework for renewable energy projects.
In view of this untapped potential in the Latin American region, ExpoPlaza Latina (EPL) in partnership with GLOBE 2016 hosted a seminar with keynote speakers in relation to sustainable practices and the thriving clean tech industry, followed by a business networking session with government and consular officials. Also, Latin American consulates and the BC government presented a summary of their initiatives and exclusive business opportunities arising from the challenge of meeting the commitment signed under the United Nations General Assembly resolution “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (Paris 2015).
Speakers and moderator
Networking event speakers
1. Harbs Bains, Senior Manager at the Ministry of International Trade, Technology & Innovation, BC
2. Consular officers of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador and Mexico
1. Main implications of the Paris Agreement for Latin America
2. Sustainable technologies
3. Renewable energy
4. Investment opportunities for sustainable development in Latin America
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